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IT Regie en transformatie.png

Drivers and barriers of supplier-supplier cooperation in a triadic IT multisourcing coopetition context

IT Regie en transformatie

Weerd, van der J.P.H. (2021). Drivers and barriers of supplier-supplier cooperation in a triadic IT multisourcing coopetition context. In C. Hilhorst (Ed.), IT Regie en transformatie (pp. 86 - 92). Breukelen, The Netherlands: Nyenrode Business Universiteit. 

Tijdschrift voor comm wetenschap.jpg

Adaptatievermogen, het profijt van communicatie en de kwaliteit van communicatie bij turnarounds

Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap

Weerd, van der J.P.H., W.J.L. Elving, E.R. Seydel, R.O. Kerkhoven en L. de Vries (1998), Adaptatievermogen, het profijt van communicatie en de kwaliteit van communicatie bij turnarounds, tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap, jaargang 26, nummer 4, p. 272 - 282.

ITSM leerboek.jpeg

Case study optimization of
ITIL processes of a front office

ITSMF best practice magazine (formerly ITSMF People)

Bres, M.P., L. Zwieserijn, K. Vink en J.P.H. van der Weerd (2001), Praktijkcase Optimalisatie van ITIL processen van een Front Office, ITSMF People, jaargang 7, nummer 5, p. 23 - 26.

IT monitor tijdschr.jpeg

Quality determinants
of user support

IT-monitor (popular scientific magazine on IT)

Bres, M.P. en J.P.H. van der Weerd (2000),

Kwaliteitsdeterminanten van gebruikersondersteuning,  
IT-monitor, nummer 5, p 4 - 9.


Decision tree

Tool to decide in a structured manner whether or not to outsource

ARR About Sourcing.png
Usual suspects 

Formula 1 as a metaphor to explain basic ITIL terms

Core or NON Core About Sourcing.png
Shakespeare IT

Tool to decide whether or not to outsource parts of IT

Risk Management 2020.png
Is it worth IT?

Introduction to
risk management

Coopetition SIAM pres.png

Drivers & barriers of supplier - supplier cooperation in a coopetition context


HPE RTR 4.png

HPE Race to Results

Interactive digitally supported
IT service management simulation.
As given during an ITIL training.

Service management

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Cobit Games
nteractive digitally supported
IT governance simulation.
As given during a Cobit training.


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Risky business

A self-developed interactive action learning based Management of Risk (MoR) simulation.
As given during a risk management workshop.

Risk management


Splitting the difference?

Negotiations aimed at a long-term relationship. Essential in outsourcing and fundamentally different from "closing the deal".


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